Managing Tickets on Order Up

Nathan McCloskey
3 min readApr 30, 2021

Tickets arrive in the form of lists as you fulfill requests you will want to mark these “complete”.

Working With Items

Each ticket will have a list of food items:

Marking Items Complete

Tapping on the bullet icon:

will mark an item complete Completed items will have a check mark:

and can be tapped a second time to toggle the complete state.

Viewing Item Details

Under normal operation, a kitchen worker may encounter an unfamiliar food item. If this occurs or they simply want to refresh their memory, they can tap on the name of a food item:

This will Navigate to the food details page:

Completing Tickets

After all the food for a ticket has been prepped workers will want to complete the ticket. Completing a ticket alerts waiters and removes it from kitchen screens. Tickets can be completed in two ways: swiping, marking all items complete.

Swiping to complete a ticket

To complete a ticket in this way, press on the top portion of a ticket and swipe rapidly downwards.

Completing all Items to Complete a Ticket

Once a user marks all items complete the system will automatically mark the ticket complete.

Further Reading

This article is but a part of a series of articles I have adapted from Order Ups original manual. For further reading, feel free to explore the links below:

User Guides


